'I am sure it will help to inform Australians of the Gallipoli Campaign and provide a perspective that they might not otherwise see.'
His Excellency I.K. Forsyth, Ambassador of Australia.

'Hopefully, a big stride forward in Australian-Turkish understanding of a significant event in both Turkish and Australian national history. It is particularly valuable for its original and striking underwater footage of the large number of wrecked battleships around the Gallipoli peninsula - this has never been viewed on film before.'
Ashley Ekins, Senior Historian, Australian War Memorial

'I saw the excellent Gallipoli programmed on SBS - so much better, so much more imaginative and accurate than anything else I've seen on the subject.'
Brenda Walker, War Novelist, University of Western Australia.

'The film presents an interesting perspective of events of 1915 with much archive material, in addition to which there is striking underwater footage including the wrecks of HMS Irresistible, Majestic and Triumph and the Turkish battleship Mesudiye.'
David Saunders, Editor The Gallipolian, Gallipoli Association - England

'Congratulation, it is very interesting. I enjoyed watching the whole program. The explanation of the whole history is very clear and precise, just enough to understand the whole battle without being bored. Good job! I will stay in contact with you and hope to be able to come diving in Turkey very soon.'
Marc Verstraete Van de Weyer - Belgium

'This unique story from the Dardenelles is a poignant and never before seen insight to the tragic campaign that cost New Zealand families many of their sons. What makes this story even more unusual is that it is given from the Turkish perspective in a war that saw over 500,000 lives sacrificed in a futile military campaign. "History in the Depths" is a rare and haunting experience unlike any other visual record that unites New Zealand and Australia with one time enemy, Turkey.'
Kevin Andreassend - New Zealand

'We’re used to seeing Gallipoli from the point of view of the Anzacs in the water, looking up to the Turks on the cliffs. This fascinating documentary looks from the other side and the story is just as heartbreaking. The descriptions by Turkish veterans of the sight of their country being attacked it’s as moving as anything we see on Anzac Day.'
Chris Jackson, Daily Telegraph, Pick of the Night 26/04/2001

'As a history lecture, this scores a bull’s eye.'
James Collie, Courier Mail, What’s On 26/04/2001

'This honorable and even-handed film salutes the legendary heroism of servicemen on both sides.'
Robin Oliver, Sydney Morning Herald, TV previews 23/04/2001

'Like the ABC’s series, Australians at War, this serves as a thoughtful reminder of the great tragedy of war. And there are always casualties on both sides.'
The Sun-Herald (Sydney) 22/04/2001

'Today’s best...'
Northern Territory News 23/04/2001

'To me the interest is the wrecks. We have many shows on the ANZAC story. None on the Turkish view however. None on the wrecks. There is the strength.'
Ross J. Bastiaan, Periodontist.

'Savaş Karakaş has achieved a magnificent task bringing the wrecks of the Gallipoli Campaign lying under the calm waters of the Dardanelles and the beaches around the peninsula to the attention of the historians and the public. This daring achievement without doubt deserves public acclaim and encouragement for further studies in this field.'
Kenan Celik OAM, Gallipoli Guide and Historian. Onsekiz Mart University.